Blog Post

Managing Your Knee and Shoulder Pain

  • By Liu Yang
  • 13 Mar, 2018

To further improve health and wellness, regular exercise is always recommended. It greatly improves our body’s functions, resistance to diseases, and also provides good psychological effects. Carrying out different types of exercises and not solely focusing on one body part is also essential. However, there are times wherein people tend to forget proper ways in doing exercises. These may include the right posture, timing, intervals, and repetitions. Thus, resulting to injuries and pain to most body parts. The common parts injured with improper exercising are the knees and shoulders. The knees play a big role in carrying the body’s weight and maintaining balance. On the other hand, the shoulders provide support in rotations and movement of the arms. So what would should be done if injuries involving the knees and shoulders are encountered?

In treating many types of knee and shoulder pain, a common goal is to break the so-called “inflammatory cycle”. This cycle usually starts with an injury. After an injury, inflammation invades the knee and shoulders, which causes further injury, and further inflammation, and so on. This cycle of inflammation leads to continued or progressive pain. The cycle can be broken by fighting the inflammation through medications or other therapies and by limiting further injury to tissue.

Some common home-care remedies that control inflammation and help to break the inflammatory cycle are protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. First, you should protect the shoulders and the knees from further stress or trauma. In doing heavy physical activities, paddings can be used or other types of specialty clothing which can help protect those parts. Second, to lessen the pain, it is best to give those parts rest and avoid its excessive use. Third, icing the knees and shoulders, or cold application could really help in reducing swelling. This can also be used for both chronic and acute pain. Ice bags or even cold vegetables can be used and it is recommended by professionals to perform icing two to three times per day for 20–30 minutes each session. Lastly, compression of the swollen parts using bandages and other wraps would also greatly help in reducing the swelling as well as aligning joints to other parts. For knee pains, it is also advised to elevate the knee using a cushion or a recliner since elevation works with gravity to help fluids that might accumulate on the knee to go back to normal circulation. Other medications that are given to are common pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Some also prescribe steroids for better and faster response.

If the shoulder and knee pain don’t improve with simple medications and basic home solutions, other treatments are available. Your doctor will be able to give more specific advice. A physiotherapist will most likely be able to help addressing these pains. The aim of physiotherapy is to improve symptoms and restore function. The approach will depend on whether you have a short-term problem or a long-standing condition. A normal physiotherapy program would include planned exercises to strengthen and improve function, prevent stiffness, manual treatment of soft tissues and joints, and comprehensive patient education.

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By Liu Yang 03 May, 2018

Nowadays, observing the adage that “the customer is always right” no longer cuts it. Product quality, customer satisfaction, impressive aftermarket services are no longer enough to be competitive or to maintain even a small, loyal customer base. In Singapore, more and more corporate gift companies are beginning to realize the importance of corporate gift-giving in establishing stronger relationships with both employees and clients. The gestures of giving has become a staple of corporate operations such that it has become an ‘art and science’ all its own. Today, special strategy of ‘giftology’ is considered a special commercial function and companies devote tremendous resources into this process.

Singapore companies, big or small, now frequently giving out gifts to employees, clients, and even suppliers not just in special occasions or holidays like Christmas but for simple functions like company foundation days and company activities like sports fest and even for personal events like birthdays. For employees these business corporate gifts are simple testaments that they are valuable in a company and are assets that the company protects. Instead of simply giving awards or commendations for doing a great job or for staying with the company for so long, premium corporate gifts communicate the companies appreciation for the work put in by employees and sends the message that the companies acknowledges every individual in the office regardless of position or job. As such, these gifts boost employee confidence and morale and further encourage them to work harder than before. Most Singaporean companies believe that, if done properly and effectively, a vast array of opportunities can arise for the company

Among clients, suppliers and consumers in Singapore, business gifts hold symbolic functions and express a company’s appreciation for their patronage. At the same time, corporate gifts also generally serve as a marketing strategy and a major public relation instrument. Recent study shows that companies pay a lot of attention in considering what to give out. There are numerous business gift-items to choose from alternatives. But there are creative alternatives. Corporate gift items in Singapore like shirts and coffee mugs can be more creatively and boldly improved through packaging and timing. This means additional care for materials and processes. Shirts, mugs, pens and notepads are staple corporate giveaways simply because these are items that clients and customers use every day and are therefore popular due to practical value of products. Recently, USB, earphones, cellular phone covers, power banks, mobile speakers, and other techno products have become daily necessities and have ideal corporate gift items.

Also, traditional Singapore corporate gifts  like shirts and jackets must not only be useful for office or everyday use but must also fit newer lifestyles like outdoor recreation trends. Dri-fit materials, hooded jackets, sweatshirts can all be used casually on a daily basis   but they are also appropriate for running, jogging and other physical activities. Although the item need not be expensive, they must be of high value. Novelty and handmaid bags and table paraphernalia are not necessarily expensive corporate gift ideas but they are not typically mass produced items and are therefore high value. Personalized corporate gift items also appeal to that sense of being distinct.


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